Version History
DayTime v2

DayTime 2.03
(Current Version)
Added the moon (orbit display, lunar events, phase, animation)
Alarms can now play songs
Supports mirroring notifications on AppleWatch
DayTime v1
DayTime 1.3.184
Display location coordinates by tapping location.
Location: Auto uses precise location for calculations and chooses nearest location for display and time zone.
Choose 12- or 24-hour time display by tapping time.
DayTime 1.3.170
Fixed bug that made Shabbat alarms ring on the wrong day.
Fixed bug that kept the Refresh Alarms message from being cleared.
Added audio notification of whether DayTime is open or closed to address reports of alarms not sounding.
Fixed bug that kept Current Location from updating unless it was reselected. Note: Current Location has since been removed, as DayTime now uses your exact location for its calculations.
DayTime 1.3.161
Added Sun Events, Salah Times, and Shabbat Times
Added exact event time display on clock face
Added alarms before/after any event or at a fixed time
Added manual time zone option
Added Qibla pointer
Expanded list of locations
Added support for iPhone 5 and iPad, plus landscape display
SkySundial v1
SkySundial 1.244
Added automatic location selection
Added sunrise and sunset alarms
Added ability to select time and date other than the present
Added animated simulation
SkySundial 1.127
Added manual location selection